Monday 31 December 2012

Week 32 (New Years Eve 2012)

Hello baby,

It's the last day of 2012 and what an exciting year it's been. Daddy and I got married in January, we went on 2 holidays this year - the first to Malaysia with our friends in May and the 2nd for our babymoon to LA in October. Today is our 8 month milestone, so I've been pregnant with you for most of this year! How fast this year has flown by.

It has been a lovely week relaxing with Daddy during this holiday and we have another week of this before we both head back to work. I felt you hiccuping for the first time 2 days ago, it was the funniest feeling in my belly.

I made another hooded towel for you and some more burp cloths on the weekend, plus a cute nursing cover for when I feed you. I'm definitely getting better at sewing though the towel I made came out a lot bigger than I intended....
Hooded towel
Daddy wearing the 'cape'
The above photo is Daddy modeling the super-sized baby towel, he said it looked more like a cape!
Nursing cover
Week 32 bump

How far along? Week 32. You're the size of a squash.
Measurements: 66.4kg on Sunday (an increase of 200g since last week). My belly measurement before breakfast was 98.5cm... I've been inconsistent measuring my belly, so it's hard to compare.
Cravings: None this week
Symptoms: Nothing too bad, less swelling since I haven't been working
Obsessively researching: More DIY tutorials

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Week 31 (Merry Christmas!)

Happy Boxing Day my sweet!

Daddy and I have the next 2 weeks off and we're spending it sleeping, watching movies and relaxing on the couch....bliss. This time next year will be very different with you, I'm sure we will be doing more family things and your grandparents will want to spend lots of time with'll be 10 months by then and will probably be crawling around. We might even take you swimming in the pool - rest assured I have already bought you cute swimming clothes up to 2 years old! Mummy is prepared :)

You've been so active this week, lots of moving around during the day and night. Daddy can really feel you kicking and I can see my belly move when you're shifting around, it's so cool.

Week 31 bump

How far along? Week 31 (and 2 days) You're the size of a pineapple
Measurements: 66.2kg on Sunday (a decrease of 200g which is good because I'm still about a kg more than I should be). Just measured my belly, it's 100cm right now after breakfast - an increase of 2 cm!
Cravings: None this week
Symptoms: Lots of swelling, I think because of the heat
Obsessively researching: Not much, been watching too many movies and korean dramas....haha

Sunday 16 December 2012

The big 3-0!

Hi baby,

We've hit week 30 and are now three-quarters of the way through the pregnancy! Mummy only has 2 more working weeks left with a nice Christmas and NY break in between. Daddy and I will be making the most of this time before you arrive by going out to eat, watch movies and basically relax :)

We went on a date to Dee Why beach today and went back to the cafe that Daddy took me to 2 years ago for my birthday. It was our first time to Dee Why and we decided to re-live the memories. Here are some pics of our day together:

Dee Why - Sandbar Cafe

Dee Why Beach
Week 30 bump
How far along? Week 30 already! You're the size of a cucumber
Measurements: 66.4kg this morning (an increase of 800g! I think a bit too much good food this week). My belly measured 98cm (0.5cm more than last week)
Cravings: Nectarines
Symptoms: Getting used to only eating small meals, I can't fit much in my stomach with you fighting for room :P
Obsessively researching: I've decided on a nappy bag! Can't wait to order this one - the storksak sofia :)
Storksak sofia tan nappy bag

Sunday 9 December 2012

Week 29 (a butternut squash)

Hi baby,

You've been quite active this week, I've even seen my tummy move a few times with your kicks. It's always such a surprise when that happens to actually feel you kick from the inside and see it from the outside. My belly button has started looking weird because my tummy is getting so big now, I think it will be a matter of days or weeks before my belly button pops out :)

We saw the Dr on Tuesday, all is well with you though you are still lying low and fully engaged, which is quite common. At least now I know all the movement I'm feeling at the top of my belly is definitely your feet kicking around, and all the movement I feel at the bottom of my belly are your arms waving about. It's so cute feeling you move.

Daddy and I still can't decide on a name for you. We'll pick a name and then one of us will change our mind. I know we still have a while to really decide but it's such a big decision, we really have to think about it carefully.

Week 29 bump
How far along? Week 29 already, time seems to be flying by.
Measurements: I was 65.2kg this morning (an increase of 400g) and my belly measured 97.5cm - so it is gradually expanding
Cravings: No real cravings, trying to be good and not gain too much weight
Symptoms: Getting used to being so big, it almost feels normal!
Obsessively researching: Nappy bags

Sunday 2 December 2012

Week 28 (my 7 month eggplant)

Hello my sweet,

I'm excited to show you all the little things I've made for you this weekend! Mummy has been busy making you a hooded towel, burp cloths and mittens! I'm quite proud at making all these things on my first attempt.
Baby hooded towel
Baby mittens
Burp cloths
So we've finally reached the 7 month milestone and you're starting to kick harder now. Daddy can feel you kicking more easily and last night I actually saw my belly ripple from you moving! I'm glad you're getting stronger and more active.

It's Grandpa Banh's b'day today so we're going out to celebrate tonight. Auntie Mandy asked him what he wanted for his b'day present and he said he wanted a video camcorder to take videos of you and at Chinese School. So looks like your life will be very well documented by the whole family!

Week 28 bump
How far along? Week 28 - 7 months! You're the size of an eggplant
Measurements: I weighed 64.8kg this morning, an increase of 400g since last week. My belly was measured at 97cm
Cravings: Been trying to be good and eating less sugary food, so unfortunately that means less mangos even though I love them.
Symptoms: night this week it was so bad I had to sleep propped up on 2 pillows.
Obsessively researching: Been busy sewing so no time to research :)

Sunday 25 November 2012

Week 27 (and we really are in the 3rd trimester)

Hi baby,

It's the home stretch, the 3rd trimester and boy is Mummy feeling it! I feel like humpty dumpty when I walk around, so clumsy and slow and rocking around. Your Daddy and Auntie Mandy keep laughing at my waddling, they just don't understand how hard it is to walk around and maintain balance with a big belly!

Daddy and I went to watch the latest James Bond movie Skyfall last night, I've noticed you get very active at the cinema, maybe the loud noises are waking you up? It's quite cute, you kept jabbing Mummy in the tummy throughout the movie!

So Mummy has started making burp cloths for you. I bought 3 boxes of fabric which are being sent from the US. I got a bit carried away with all my diy projects but it's ok, seeing the boxes will motivate me to make things for you, not to mention Daddy nagging that I bought *more* fabric will motivate me to make things to show him I didn't buy all this fabric for nothing!

Hopefully I get a bit of Grandma Banh's motivation, she finished your patchwork quilt already, it looks so cute! Here's a pic:
Grandma's patchwork quilt
Mummy has been feeling quite fat and swollen lately, I'm sure you can see from my piggy toe photos that Mummy isn't usually this fat. Hopefully after you're born I will return back to normal. Anyway because I feel like a beach ball, I've been umming and ahhing about whether to take maternity photos. I asked Daddy what he thought and he said we should just take the photos and if we don't like them, we don't have to buy them. Aunty Mandy said the same thing, I don't actually have to show anyone the photos but I might regret not capturing this special stage in our lives. So! I got a recommendation from our wedding photographer and I made a booking with Leah Kua who takes some lovely, soft, dreamy photos which hopefully will capture some beautiful memories.

Week 27 bump

How far along? Week 27 - third trimester, woohoo! You're the size of a turnip.
Measurements: You're definitely experiencing 2 week growth spurts because we gained 600g since last week so now I'm 64.4kg.  I forgot to take a belly measurement before breakfast again, so right now (after breakfast) my belly is 96cm
Cravings: Nothing special this week though mangoes are in season! Daddy is cutting a mango right now...yum!
Symptoms: Sore back and feet still....and also a sore tail bone in the last few days. Oh dear, I can't imagine it will get much better over the next 13 weeks...!
Obsessively researching: Maternity photos

Sunday 18 November 2012

Week 26 (Daddy finally felt our little lettuce move)

Hi baby,

The most exciting thing happened this morning - Daddy finally felt you move! You kicked or punched harder than normal on Mummy's side, luckily Daddy had his hand there and he felt your jab, it was so cool to finally share the experience with him.

Daddy and I have been casually looking at houses these past few weeks, we want to move to a house so you have more room to play, it's hard to find something we both love and in a good area, I'm also checking out nearby schools to make sure they are good, so lots to consider! I wonder where we are living by the time you read this blog?

This week I've been busy buying fabric - I want to make so many things for you like a hooded towel, burp cloths, a nappy caddy. I also bought a sewing machine this morning so I can get busy on the weekends making things. Grandma Banh is also very excitedly making things for you. You're going to have so many handmade items made with such care and love :)

Week 26 bump

How far along? Week 26, you're the size of a lettuce
Measurements: Hardly gained any weight since last week - am 63.8kg, I'm noticing a pattern where I gain weight every 2 weeks, maybe it corresponds to your growth spurt? I should have measured my belly this morning but I forgot, so I measured it just then after belly measurement is 96cm.
Cravings: Nothing special this week
Symptoms: Sore back and feet...will probably get worse from here on... :(  Even my wrist is swelling, I've decided to take my watch off this week because I felt it was too constricting. And I'm definitely waddling! I look so funny! I might get Daddy to take a video, I think it's because you are lying low in my belly.
Obsessively researching: Lots of crafty diy projects and sewing machine reviews. Here's a pic of the hooded towel I'm going to make you and the sewing machine I ordered this morning. I hope the sewing machine will be put to good use as your grow older!

Hooded baby towel

A note from Daddy:
Today I felt your little foot or hand kick inside of mummy and I know you did it since she let off a really big fart and it woke you up! I can't wait for you to come out and we can play together, hopefully mummy will let me take 6 months off but we'll see. I think we've got a name for you but Mummy has her heart on Lucas.... Anyway I have to go now since Mummy's belly is so big and I have to help her bend over so she can cut her toe nails!

A note from Mummy:
I did not let out a fart! Daddy is making up stories! Grrrr....
He did help me paint my toe nails though because my belly is so big now, it's hard to bend down to my toes.

Here is a pic of my swollen toes, look like fat piggies now! Daddy did a good job applying the top coat though. And  because I thought it was a funny comparison, I found a pic of my feet that I took on our holiday to Malaysia this year in May - look how skinny my feet were 6 months ago before I got pregnant! haha
Piggy toes - Nov 2012
Skinny toes - May 2012

Monday 12 November 2012

Week 25 (a cauliflower)

Hi baby,

We had our 6 month visit to the doctor last week, seems you're feeling very comfortable lying low in Mummy's belly! The doctor couldn't get a good ultrasound pic because you were so low but he said everything is fine and nothing to worry about.

It was incidentally Melbourne cup day on the day of your appointment so I left work a bit early and had some time to walk around the Botanical Gardens and enjoy the view. Here's a pic I took while I sat on the park bench, you can see my big belly peeking at the bottom of the frame :)

Before the OB visit
 Grandma Banh has been busy crocheting blankets and making patchwork quilts for you. She finished this gorgeous blanket last week, I can't wait to use it when you are born!

Baby blanket
Daddy got called into work again on Sunday so we couldn't take a photo.  I'll try to take a photo tomorrow after work. Here are the latest stats:

How far along? Week 25, you're the size of a cauliflower
Measurements: Gained a whole kilo...I better slow down, eat less or exercise more...! 63.7kg. I'm going to start taking belly measurements every week as well, so this morning my belly was 94cm
Cravings: Nothing in particular but have been getting more hungry these past couple days
Symptoms: My back has been so sore...I think it's because you are so low in my belly...move up soon please!
Obsessively researching: Nursery decorating and newborn photos. I booked a newborn photo session for you tonight with this photographer. How sweet are her photos? :)

Sunday 4 November 2012

Week 24 (a 3rd trimester honeymelon)

Hi baby,

We've reached our 3rd trimester* already! It's gone so fast, Daddy and I will finally see you in 3 4 months. Mummy has 2.5 months of work left and I've got so many mini projects to make for you before you arrive!

We've been home for a week and Daddy has gone back straight back into long hours at work. We're back to our normal routine already and luckily not too affected by jet lag. I was in a meeting at work on Friday and you kicked so hard, I actually saw my tummy move! It was such a cool feeling. I've been hoping you would kick hard enough for Daddy to feel you when I got home but he still hasn't felt you move yet. I'm sure as you grow bigger, you will be kicking up a storm :)

I thought it would be really cute to put up a 'before and after' photo of Daddy and I comparing our holiday to LA last year to this year. What a difference a year makes! Last year, Daddy and I had just gotten engaged in Peru and were busy buying lots of things for our wedding. This year, we focused completely on you and bought lots of baby things. The other major difference? All the weight we've both gained! haha

1 year ago

Here we are at the 6 month mark, how much you've grown!
Week 24 bump

How far along? Week 24, you're the size of a honeymelon

Measurements: Same weight as last week at 62.7kg - yay! I need to maintain my weight in the healthy weight range. So far, so good.
Cravings: Mangos, yum!
Symptoms: Noticed lots more swelling in my hands and feet. I walked around with your Auntie Mandy on Fri after work and when I got home, my feet were so swollen, I had to rest in bed with my feet up! It's a sign of what's to come....
Obsessively researching: DIY tutorials, I'm tempted to buy a sewing machine to make all the projects I've compiled on my pinterest board

* update on Mon 5 Nov - Mummy jumped the gun, we're not in our 3rd trimester yet! And Daddy and I still have 4 months before your expected due date....I obviously can't count!

Monday 29 October 2012

Week 23 (a grapefruit back home)

Hi baby,

We flew back to Australia yesterday morning and back to work tough getting through the working day. Poor Daddy is still at work and it's nearly 8pm. Hopefully he's on the way home because he promised we would go for a walk tonight.

It was a such a wonderfully relaxing babymoon in LA, we ate so much that I've gained more than I should for 23 weeks! Your extended family in LA were the best and Daddy got a taste of what it's like to look after kids, now he just needs to practise holding babies and changing nappies :)

I don't have the usual bump photo but thought I'd put up some holiday pics with Daddy in Santa Monica.

How far along? Week 23, you're the size of a grapefruit
Measurements: I don't know if it's from using different scales back home now but I weighed 62.7kg this morning...which is just a bit over 1kg since last week. Need to do some exercise or eat less :(
Cravings: No cravings, probably because I ate so many different cuisines in LA
Symptoms: Noticed my fingers swelling up more and possibly my legs. I feel like a beach ball.
Obsessively researching: was just chilling out in LA, didn't research anything this week

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Week 22 (a papaya in LA)

Hi baby,

We're on the 2nd week of our babymoon here in LA. We've managed to order all the baby goodies that we need and are just waiting for them to be delivered. Daddy and I have been eating, sleeping and playing games with your cousins Paige and Caleb. It's good to know when you are born, Daddy will have some practise looking after kids, at least he knows how to play catch, soccer and ipad zombie games.

You've been more active at nights or maybe it's because I am still and can feel you more. We went to watch the movie Looper last night and it seemed like you were scared of the loud noises, you kept hitting Mummy in the stomach whenever the movie got too loud. Daddy still can't feel you moving on the outside yet. Everytime he puts his hand over my belly, you go still. We'll have to wait until you're bigger and stronger before Daddy can feel you.

I took this photo last night just before we went to see the movie. It was just after dinner so my belly looks bigger than it does in the morning.

Week 22 bump

How far along? Week 22, you're the size of a papaya!
Measurements: I lost a little weight since last week. On Sunday I weighed 135.5 pounds, which is 61.5kg. After checking if I'm still on track with my weight gain, I realised I'm actually a bit over! I'm hoping it's because we are using different scales compared to the one in Aus and that I didn't gain that much more weight. In any case, I've lost 0.5pound since last week, probably from all the walking around the malls.
Cravings: Cinnamon pretzels....everytime I pass one at the mall, I have to buy one
Symptoms: Had to finally take off my wedding rings last week because my fingers have swelled up. I got scared I won't be able to take them off if I left them on too long. Oh well....let's hope I'll still fit them after you're born.
Obsessively researching: no more researching this past week because we can't order anymore things from the US.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Week 21 (we're in LA!)

Hi baby,

Daddy and I are in LA on our babymoon right now. It's been relaxing here and I've already bought so much for you. We've been battling with jet lag so we are wide awake at night and so sleepy during the day. I also feel you moving more at night...maybe you're jet lagged too :)

The baby clothes are so cute and cheap over here. We've only been here for less than a week and I've bought enough clothes for the first 2 years for you! I also ordered your stroller last night and will be getting your travel crib today which should come in handy if we decide to visit France next year for Daddy's friend's wedding.

Here is a pic of a (very) small selection of your baby clothes that we bought:
Shopping spree!
Compared to our visit to LA around this time last year, I've noticed such a big difference, I've been getting tired so easily now, can barely manage a few stores before my feet get tired and I want to sit down. All Daddy and I want to do is laze around and rest. At least 1 person in our family is active, last night you kicked harder than normal and I actually felt it on the outside! I can't wait for Daddy to feel you kick as well.

I don't have our usual bump photo this week but I did weigh myself on Sunday, so here is the latest:

How far along? Week 21, you're the size of a pomegranate
Measurements: ? 136 pounds which is 61.7kg...! 
Cravings: No cravings, been eating lots of different foods here
Symptoms: Tired feet
Obsessively researching: last minute price comparisons before putting online orders in for your stroller, travel crib and accessories

Sunday 7 October 2012

Week 20 (and your gender revealed....)

Hi baby,

What an exciting day we had at your gender reveal BBQ! I couldn't sleep all night because I was so excited to finally find out if you will be a boy or girl. I asked Daddy in the morning if he was excited, he said he wasn't because he already knew you would be a girl! Well, little did he know....haha

It was a beautiful day for a BBQ hosted at your Grandpa and Grandma Tran's place, the food was so yummy and we were all excited to find out your gender. Auntie Kathy and Pumi brought an adorable cake over that they made last night, it came complete with a little clothesline which I plan to paste into your scrapbook.
Gender reveal cake
 Daddy and I cut the cake to find out the colour inside....there was so much anticipation!

 And we all found out you will be a .....

cake result

It was wonderful finding out your gender with our family and close friends. Your Grandparents were so happy and I think Daddy was a bit stunned.

So it's been an eventful week. We had your 19 week anatomy scan and was glad to find out that you're healthy. I have been feeling you moving more this week though only in the lower part of my tummy. At the ultrasound we found out it's because the placenta is at the front of my tummy so we have to wait til you're bigger to feel your movements. Daddy has been really looking forward to feeling you move, he'll only have to wait a couple more weeks.

Week 19 ultrasound
We've got an exciting week planned because Daddy and I head to LA this Friday! We're looking forward to staying with your Uncle Kevin and Auntie Dana, we've also got so many online shopping packages to pick up!
Week 20 bump

How far along? Week 20, you're the size of a banana! Last Wednesday you were 15.4cm according to your ultrasound
Measurements: ? 59.6kg...we're on track!
Cravings: Olives, yum!
Symptoms: Nothing bad though if I stand too long my feet and back hurt a bit
Obsessively researching: finally bought your baby carrier! Have been researching strollers and camera stuff, still tossing over whether to invest in another camera and lens.

Sunday 30 September 2012

Week 19 (a mango!)

Hi baby,

You're 19 weeks today! This week we will have your anatomy scan and will hopefully find out if you are a boy or girl, we're so excited! Your Auntie Mandy has started a betting pool and it seems the odds in the Banh household are heavily in favour of you being a boy based on some scientific study of belly shapes. Daddy still thinks you will be a girl and that is based on no scientific study at all. I have no inkling and will be happy as long as you are delivered safe and healthy.

It was your Auntie Kat and Uncle Dan's wedding yesterday, your first wedding! Based on all the pressure from the oldies, you may not have to wait too long for little cousins to play with...haha

Daddy and I are heading to a baby show now, we're hoping to be able to play with lots of cool baby gadgets and equipment, thanks to Auntie Anna in London for the free tickets!

Week 19 bump

How far along? Week 19, you're the size of my favourite summertime fruit - a mango!
Measurements: ? 59kg...pretty much on target with the suggested weight gain of about 500g a week
Cravings: No special cravings this week, still cooking :)
Symptoms: Feeling fat and clumsy...
Obsessively researching: been a bit busy this week so not much time to research but we are heading to LA in less than 2 weeks so I'll spend the next week researching more things to buy. I did order our first big baby item for you - this baby bjorn bouncer!

 Hello baby,

This is Daddy writing for the first time, and I can tell you I've been very busy listening to mummy complain about how her body is changing. She has a big bump now which you can see in the photos and is due all to you! :)

Mummy used to be able to climb mountains and be very independent, but now with you in her belly she can't even walk home from the bus on Victoria Road! (She makes me carry her handbag now). So if mummy teases you for your 21st birthday you can read this and know that when mummy was pregnant she was a little farting machine! She has no shame, just last week we were at Eastwood for dinner with grandma and grandpa and as we were walking along the street mummy asked us to walk ahead. When we just stood there she let out the biggest fart ever (it sounded a little wet as well), and all she could do besides laugh was blame it on you!

So you can use that anytime to embrass mummy :)

Sunday 23 September 2012

Week 18 (a sweet potato)

Hi baby,

I think it's cute to track your growth each week using fruit (or veg) in comparison, it makes it so much easier when people ask me how big you are. You're the size of a sweet potato this week!

So this week we sent out invites for our baby gender reveal BBQ. Hopefully you won't be feeling shy at your next ultrasound and the technician can tell whether you are a boy or girl. We're going to ask the technician to put the gender result in an envelop which we will give to your Auntie Kathy & Auntie Pumi. They're making a cake and making the inside either pink or blue so that at the BBQ when we cut into the cake, everyone finds out your gender at the same time. It's going to be so much fun! Your Auntie Mandy already started a betting pool and your grandparents were the first to put a bet in :)

Next week is going to be an exciting week. Your Auntie Katrina & Uncle Daniel are getting married on Saturday! It should be a lot of fun and I'm sure you'll see the wedding video when you're older.

Week 18 bump

How far along? Week 18 already! I've got a nice little bump going now, feeling so clumsy and Daddy keeps laughing at my waddling (I do not waddle!). I've been waiting anxiously to feel movement from you but nothing so far. Can't wait to feel your kicks.
Measurements: 58.3kg, same as last week.
Cravings: More homecooking. Lots of bananas and oranges.
Symptoms: I've noticed the line running down my belly, it gets itchy sometimes too!
Obsessively researching: More fabric shopping. Can't wait to head to LA soon!

Sunday 16 September 2012

Week 17 (an onion!)

Hi baby,

Ahh the wonderful 2nd trimester energy boost has kicked in. I've been cooking dinner all week and feeling so much better than I have in months! Poor Daddy has been working late all week, so it was a good week to start cooking again so that Daddy has something to eat when he gets home after 10pm at nights.

Your Auntie Katrina had her first tea ceremony today, it was nice to see everyone all dressed up in suits and dresses. The big day is in 2 weeks, you'll be 19 weeks in her wedding photos by then :)
Week 17 bump

How far along? Week 17, you're the size of an onion this week
Measurements: ? Was rushing to the tea ceremony this morning and didn't have time for a weigh-in. I'll check tomorrow morning before I head to work. I'm looking forward to our trip to LA in 3 weeks so that I can get some bigger clothes to wear for work.
Cravings: No more subway this week. It's been nice to eat homecooked dinners again, feeling much more healthier.
Symptoms: A bit of heartburn but nothing too bad.
Obsessively researching: baby quilt patterns and fabric, gets so addictive matching fabric up. Grandma is going to make a baby quilt for you! And more Amazon researching :)

Sunday 9 September 2012

Week 16 (is that you moving or just gas?)

Hi baby,

I've been feeling little popping sensations in my belly this past week, I've read that it could be you moving more inside me. I hope so because the other alternative is that it's gas....which isn't quite as exciting.

So this week you finally reach 4 months! And boy is my belly starting to show now! It's fun having a noticeable bump. As your Aunty Mandy said when she saw me last week at work, "you finally look pregnant and not just fat". Only family can be that truthful.... :)

The weather has been beautiful this week so I'm going to take advantage of the sunshine and go for a walk after writing this post. Daddy unfortunately got called into work today, he's been on calls the whole weekend. Mummy was too lazy to take a shower before Daddy left, so I don't have the usual baby bump photo this week but I did do a self capture, bear in mind this was after lunch so my tummy looks really huge!

Week 16 bump

How far along? Week 16, you're the size of an avocado this week
Measurements: 57.7kg (more than 1kg since last week! oops, must be all the subway)
Cravings: Auntie Mandy introduced us to subway last week over lunch and I ended up eating it 3 times in a row, been craving pickles and jalapenos lately. And chicken crimpy biscuits. Oh dear, I'm trying to balance it out with oranges and bananas.
Symptoms: None to report this week!
Obsessively researching: been on Amazon this entire week adding items to the wishlist, trying to only buy things that are absolutely essential so I've been reading lots of reviews. Also been reading up on the 4th trimester....interesting tips and tricks to settle you down and mimic the womb. As Daddy said, we're nearly halfway there and I like to be prepared :)

Sunday 2 September 2012

Week 15 (Happy Father's Day!)

Hi baby,

Had a lovely first weekend of Spring, Daddy and I had a yummy lunch by Lavender Bay with your aunties and uncles yesterday and we spent time with your grandparents today to celebrate Father's Day. Next year you'll be able to celebrate Father's Day with Daddy!

We went to see Dr Morris on Wednesday and saw you kicking your legs and waving your arms around via the ultrasound, it was so cute! Unfortunately you were sitting down and quite shy so we couldn't find out if you are a boy or girl.We were glad to hear you're healthy and doing well though!

Here you are sitting down in the ultrasound pic:
Week 14 ultrasound

And now for the expanding belly :)

Week 15 bump
How far along? Week 15, you're the size of an apple this week
Measurements: 56.6kg (unchanged since last week)
Cravings: Nothing in particular this week....
Symptoms: Nausea came back again
Obsessively researching: I must be in early nesting mode because I've been obsessively researching diy muslin swaddle blankets and burp cloths. I even bought some muslin fabric today and plan to stamp it with fabric paint to create some cute designs.

Monday 27 August 2012

Week 14 (and in the 2nd trimester! yay!)

Hi baby,

The highlight of this week was finally getting the dreamgenii pregnancy pillow! It's so much more comfortable than using a regular pillow to sleep on my side. Daddy has his eye on it and keeps trying to steal it every time I leave the bed. I'm glad I ordered it early because I'll be able to make good use of it for the next 6 months and it even doubles as a nursing pillow! Best $60 ever!

It's been an uneventful week except for the return of morning sickness. I hope it's just one last hormonal hurrah before first trimester is over and I'll feel energetic and active again going into the 2nd trimester. The weather is warming up as well! Daddy and I can start taking walks after dinner again.

We'll be visiting Dr Morris again next week so will get to see you on the ultrasound again, can't wait!

Week 14 bump

How far along? Week 14
Measurements: 56.6kg
Cravings: Satay beef at the local Chinese joint, had it 2 nights in a row already!
Symptoms: Nausea came back again
Obsessively researching: More onesie decorating ideas and adding lots to the amazon wishlist so we can put in our order before heading to LA in Oct :) I'm compiling all the onesie decorating ideas on my pinterest, let's see how creative we can get!

Sunday 19 August 2012

Week 13 (and another pic of you)

Hi baby,

Daddy and I saw you at our week 12 ultrasound and you had grown so much! The last time we saw you, it was week 7 and you were still a little bean. This week you looked like a baby. Daddy's first words when he saw you was, "wow the head is so big!". It's ok baby, it's totally normal to have a big head right now.

Week 12 ultrasound
This was an exciting week as we found out everything is going well with you and we also started to tell people that we're having you. I'm also starting to really show now!

Week 13 bump

How far along? Week 13
Measurements: 55.9kg
Cravings: Been eating the dumplings Grandma made all week. Actually am making another bowl right now :)
Symptoms: Heartburn and some tiredness
Obsessively researching: Decorating onesies. Mummy is going to ask the aunties and uncles to personalise onesies for you!

Sunday 12 August 2012

Week 12 (and the first trimester is nearly over, yay!)

Hi baby,

I think my belly popped this week! I've been eating the same amount but getting heartburn and realised I can't fit as much in my tummy anymore! It's a strange feeling being so careful with my portions now, something I'll have to get used to for the next 5-6 months. What else is bigger? My boobs! I had to buy a nursing bra this week 2 sizes bigger than normal, they are so comfy and ergonomic, I'm going to be living in these for a while.

Exciting things that happened this week:
(1) Daddy and I finally got our wedding trailer (nearly 7 months after the wedding!), it was beautiful and made us laugh, cringe and get all teary all at the same time, I can't wait for you to be old enough to watch it :)
(2) Crazy storm on Friday  caused the power to be out most of the evening - Daddy and I ended up at McDonald's....I know, so bad!

How far along? Week 12
Measurements: 55.6kg
Cravings:  Dumplings! Your grandma is making some for us this afternoon...yum!
Symptoms: Heartburn
Obsessively researching: Reading birthing experiences! The stories are scary but heartwarming and I want to be as prepared as possible.

Sunday 5 August 2012

Week 11 (and Daddy the handyman)

Hi baby,

It's been a good week - we've been immersed in Olympic fever, we saw the last in the Batman trilogy and Daddy found his inner handyman and fixed the leaking toilet! I've never seen Daddy's handyman prowess before, so am quite impressed :)

Glad we finished week 10, I'm learning how to reduce the nausea by eating regularly though hopefully the morning sickness will improve in a few weeks and I'll get my energy back. I've been an old nana since being pregnant, falling asleep in front of the TV and going to bed early.

Week 11 bump

How far along? Week 11
Measurements: 54.5kg which is on track
Cravings:  bananas, oranges and fried food...2 out of 3 ain't bad :) 
Symptoms: General tiredness and nausea if I don't feed you after a few hours
Obsessively researching: Baby's extended from the newborn phase, I think it will be great to capture your entire first year!

Sunday 29 July 2012

Week 10 (and addicted to newborn photos)

Hi baby,

Just starting week 10, I'll be so happy once we reach the first trimester milestone. This week started with a huge craving for oranges, great news for all the vitamin C and balances all the eating out Daddy and I have been doing.

Daddy was watching the Olympics late last night so didn't wake up til 2.30pm today! He should enjoy it because once you come along, he's not going to be able to sleep in anymore! haha

I've been obsessed with looking through newborn photos this weekend. The little hats and cocoons are so adorable! I might try making a few for you and take some photos when you're born. Means I have a great excuse to buy a new SLR body and some prime lens, I can't think of a better reason than to document your growth. I already know I'll be one of those mums with a camera permanently attached to their neck. I want to capture every first moment with you :)

Week 10 bump

How far along? Week 10 already! This pic was taken after lunch and a not sure how much is you and how much is from over-eating :)
Measurements: Our scales have run out of batteries, so I haven't been able to weigh myself this week.
Cravings: Oranges, mandarins and bananas all week - I hope I stick with these healthy cravings though I've been getting cravings for US-style hotdogs, very unhealthy...
Symptoms: General tiredness
Obsessively researching: Newborn photos, photographers, SLR body and lenses

Sunday 22 July 2012

Week 9 (and KFC)

Hi baby,

It has been an uneventful week, thankfully no more throwing up! Been feeling a little bit more energetic and walking the long route back home to get some much-needed exercise. Unfortunately this meant on Friday the temptation for KFC was too much and I took a long detour to get a zinger burger on the way home. Oh it tasted so good! Baby, you've been craving junk food lately! In the last few days we've had KFC, Red Rooster and some karaage chicken....Mummy has tried to compensate by eating more oranges and fruit, hopefully it all evens out in the end :)

Daddy is convinced you'll be a girl....we'll see in the 19 week ultrasound if he's right or not :)

Week 9 bump

How far along? Week 9
Measurements: 53.9k - same as last week
Cravings: Junk food and mango sorbet
Symptoms: General fatigue, not too bad (or maybe I'm just getting used to it now :)
Obsessively researching: Baby carriers - Ergo baby carrier winning out, how cute does this one look?
Ergo baby carrier

Sunday 15 July 2012

Week 8 (your first holiday has been planned!)

Hi baby,

Yesterday morning, Daddy and I booked our babymoon to LA! So you'll be an international jet-setter at 20 weeks :)

7 weeks 2 days
I also saw you for the 2nd time this week, you've almost doubled in size to 1.05cm since the week before and your heartrate has increased to 150bpm. It's great to know you're growing and the doc said everything is looking great. It was amazing to hear your heart beating for the first time, it was so loud and fast!

Week 8 bump

How far along? Week 8 - I think you're making your presence known :)
Measurements: 53.9kg (a whole kilo in 2 weeks!)
Cravings: Everyday it's something different! Had a craving for kimchi last week. Right now I'm munching on burger rings after my craving for an orange.
Symptoms: Morning sickness and nausea has improved since last week but then came back with double force today. Daddy and I got cinema tickets to watch the movie 'Ted' but after leaving the queue, I felt sick and had to run to the toilet. No movie for Daddy today :(
Obsessively researching: Foods to avoid, the list is growing ever longer! Added chrysanthemum tea and papaya to the list today, much to the confusion of your grandmas.

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