Sunday 2 December 2012

Week 28 (my 7 month eggplant)

Hello my sweet,

I'm excited to show you all the little things I've made for you this weekend! Mummy has been busy making you a hooded towel, burp cloths and mittens! I'm quite proud at making all these things on my first attempt.
Baby hooded towel
Baby mittens
Burp cloths
So we've finally reached the 7 month milestone and you're starting to kick harder now. Daddy can feel you kicking more easily and last night I actually saw my belly ripple from you moving! I'm glad you're getting stronger and more active.

It's Grandpa Banh's b'day today so we're going out to celebrate tonight. Auntie Mandy asked him what he wanted for his b'day present and he said he wanted a video camcorder to take videos of you and at Chinese School. So looks like your life will be very well documented by the whole family!

Week 28 bump
How far along? Week 28 - 7 months! You're the size of an eggplant
Measurements: I weighed 64.8kg this morning, an increase of 400g since last week. My belly was measured at 97cm
Cravings: Been trying to be good and eating less sugary food, so unfortunately that means less mangos even though I love them.
Symptoms: night this week it was so bad I had to sleep propped up on 2 pillows.
Obsessively researching: Been busy sewing so no time to research :)


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