Wednesday 23 July 2014

16 & 17 month sticker photos and video

17 months old and so mobile! You are getting more confident walking around, especially if you have a goal and destination! You look so proud of yourself while you're walking, with a big smile on your face. You also dance a lot now, with your funny one-legged tap and bum wiggle. So adorable!

  • You can now say: 'there', 'book', 'more'. Still babbling away most other times. 
  • You still love books and request your bath book every time you take a bath. We have so many books lying around the house. You're fascinated with all books, even my cookbooks! 
  • Your favourite toy is still the red firetruck and the 3 firemen. You push it around the living room and kitchen, moving the firemen around, pressing the siren. 
  • I bought you a few duplo sets but you're not that interested in playing with them yet. Your favourite thing it do is dump out all the duplo and sweep your hands through to make a huge mess. There is one duplo piece that you like to play with, it's a window that you can open and close. You take the little lego farmer and play peekaboo with the window pane. 
  • You love to go to the kitchen and open up the drawers and cupboards. We had to babyproof the kitchen the other week. There is the one drawer that we can't babyproof; it has all your plates, cups and utensils in it. Any moment you can, you'll totter over to the drawer, take everything out and start stacking them on the kitchen floor. We're forever washing them at night!
  • You love listening to nursery rhymes. When I ask you, "Lucas, do you want Mummy to sing a song?" you'll give me a huge toothy grin and clap your hands. When I finish singing, you'll clap your hands again. I think they teach you to clap at the end of a song at daycare.
  • This week, you did not cry when Daddy and I left for work in the morning when your grandparents were here. It's a huge milestone. You still scream and cry when we leave you at daycare.
  • You love pressing buttons, turning off lights, playing with the dvd player, grabbing our phones and ipads.
  • You like to eat udon, rice and risotto. You will eat carrots and broccoli. Hate bananas. 
  • Your favourite thing to do is go outside to the backyard, take the pegs out of the bucket, play with the rocks, go to the mandarin tree and demand we pick a mandarin for you. Today, I picked the very last mandarin on the tree so unfortunately, we won't be able to do this anymore.

Our routine now:
  • You wake up at 5.30am. Either Daddy and I will get you from your bedroom and bring you into our bed. I nurse you while half-asleep. Sometimes you'll be quite happy to go back to sleep until we need to wake up at 6.30. Other times, you'll stay awake and roll around the bed, making enough noise that I'll have no choice but to take you out and have an early start to the day.
  • You still sleep for 1-2 naps during the day, though at childcare you only sleep 1 nap and sometimes not a very long nap at that. They think you are too excited about the activities and don't want to miss anything.
  • We have bath time after dinner, that's usually around 7. Then I nurse you again and you're off to bed before 8. You have been really good about falling asleep on your own at night. When I put you into the crib, you'll point to your lullaby bear, then you'll smile when I turn it on. When I leave your room, you no longer cry.
  • Then you sleep through the night until 5.30.

I didn't put your 16 month photos up because the photos didn't out that well. We were pressed for time, so I took your photos straight after you woke up from your nap. You still looked a bit grumpy and not really in the playing mood. I'm going to upload the photos anyway. You can see how messy your hair was last month before your hair cut! Last month you enjoyed playing on the doodle board. Your firetruck was still a favourite.

This expression cracks me up. You're like 'do I have to smile?'


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