Thursday, 10 July 2014

School report: April 2013 Engaging in small experiences

Your report for April. I am not surprised at how much you enjoy storytime. I didn't know you could say, "more, more"!

School report: April 2013 - Engaging in small experiences

Lucas has begun to settle in really well over the last few weeks. There are still some tears in the morning after he is dropped off however he is able to settle himself quite quickly as he begins crawling around the room exploring what is on offer for the day.

As a result, Lucas has begun to show a greater interest in participating in planned experiences alongside the other children. Previously he preferred not to join in these experiences, however now he shows interest in what is happening around the room, as soon as he sees an Educator sitting down with books or other resources, he makes a beeline straight to them to see what is happening.

As a result Lucas has been participating in a large range of experiences over the last few weeks. He has enjoyed engaging in music time, where he waits his turn for an instrument and then enthusiastically joins his peers, shaking the maracas wildly with a big smile on his face. Lucas has also enjoyed story time, participating in a range of interactive stories including lift-the-flap books, touch-and-feel books, books with buttons that need pressing.

Since Lucas is showing such interest in joining in these experiences, we have been encouraging him to participate more, inviting him over by name, and closely observing what experiences he particularly shows interest in, thus giving us more information we can use in planning meaningful experiences for him. A definite favourite of Lucas’ is giving us more information we can use in planning meaningful experiences for him. A definite favourite of Lucas’ is the interactive stories, and we have organised a story time each morning not long after he arrives, to help ease any separation anxiety he may be feeling. This often helps Lucas to settle and he often bounces up and down in excitement as we begin to read. He takes delight in watching his peers engage with the stories as well as having a turn himself, and upon finishing a story he points to where books are stored and babbles “more, more”.

Analysis of Learning/Where to Next: Lucas is continuing to develop skills in self regulating his emotions, and this is further supported by the curiosity he has developed about his learning environment. Lucas quite enjoys music experiences, but shows more of an interest in story time. As he participates in these experiences, Lucas is enjoying the company of his peers and beginning to appreciate the benefits of shared learning experiences. Over the coming weeks we will be continuing to plan regular story reading experiences, inviting Lucas to join in. Props such as felt pieces, puppets and resources relating to the story will be added, and we will be encouraging Lucas to further develop his vocabulary, modelling key words for him to say as we read the stories and talk about the pictures.


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