Saturday 8 June 2013

Week 15 and learning Chinese

I was taking your usual daily photo earlier this week and thought I'd change it up a bit by putting you on the nursing chair and getting you to hold a book. Your Grandparents gave you a series of Chinese books that were the perfect size and weight for you to "hold" while I took photos. Of course, at 15 weeks old, you still can't hold anything so Mummy had to be creative and be very quick to get the shots.

Surprisingly, you did manage to hold on to the books just long enough for me to get some cute photos! Your Grandma and Aunties loved the photos so much, I decided to take a photo of you with a different Chinese book every day this week. It was really fun to do and you really look like you're "reading"! You're obviously a genius in the making :)

Here's also a video I took of you on Monday in the sweatshirt your Grandma got for you.

Here's a video from the archives when you were 2 months old learning Chinese from Grandma:


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