Sunday 30 June 2013

Week 18 Date night and weekly round-up

Daddy and I had our first movie date night today! We saw the new Superman movie though Mummy fell asleep during the first part of it and then got really hungry and missed more of the movie by leaving to buy some food. Your grandparents and Aunty Mandy came to babysit you while we were out. You haven't seen Aunty Mandy in a while since she had exams and you seemed extra-excited when you saw her today. You showered her with smoochie kisses and hugs.

Here's a round-up of photos from this week (week 18):
You love to eat your toys

Getting so chubby!

After watching 'The Internship' at the cinema

Riding the escalators at Top Ryde shopping centre

Trying on the vest Grandma sewed for you

Deep in thought after your morning feed

Playing with your mobile

Your outfit of the day to a birthday party
And one more video I took earlier this week of you just chilling out while we lounged in bed to escape the cold:


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