Tuesday 2 July 2013

Week 19: Sunny day at the park

It was such a beautiful day today after such a wet week. I took you out for a walk to our local park. It was your first time there and also the first time in the baby carrier without your newborn insert. The last time I took you in the carrier, you still couldn't hold your head up. It is much more enjoyable for you now that you can look around while we walk.

At first you seemed a bit overwhelmed with all the noise and the bright sunshine. I found it funny that you kept trying to hide your face away from the sunshine. You really are my little boy!

By the time we got to the park, you became more curious and started looking around at the playground and at the other kids.

Grandma & Grandpa came this afternoon and they decided to take you out for another walk in the carrier again. You look so cute being carried by Grandma.

Mummy finished another sewing project. You were so tired from our walk to the park this morning that you took a long nap. That gave me lots of time to finish sewing you some bandana bibs. What a cute model you make! Maybe Mummy should start a new business venture with you as my model :)


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