Tuesday 9 July 2013

Week 20: Time for a booster!

I sprained my back yesterday while bending over to pick you up from the bouncer. While I recover, we won't be able to use the bouncer as it's too low to the ground for me to pick you up. Luckily, I was very prepared and bought a booster seat before you were even born. I went to the garage to get it today and your Aunty Mandy and I tried it out with you. You did pretty well in the seat and I'm sure you much prefer being closer to the action at the dinner table from now on. You can't actually sit on your own yet but you do pretty well when there is some support. It's also good practise because you'll be sitting in the booster to eat solid food in 6 weeks time!

Here are some more photos of you doing double duty play: tummy time and reading:

As usual, tummy time didn't last too long... haha


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