Monday 8 July 2013

Week 20 photo story: A typical day

Since about 4 months old, you settled yourself into a routine of taking 3 naps a day every 2-3 hours. If you don't get your nap or you don't sleep long enough, you become a bit grumpy. Your Aunty Mandy found out first-hand when she came to visit you last week. It's a funny story, here's what happened:

Aunty Mandy wanted to visit you so I told her the approximate time you would be awake. Only that day you didn't fall asleep until about 20 mins before Aunty Mandy came over. While watching you sleep, she accidentally woke you up. You showed your annoyance by avoiding eye contact with her during her visit. I was holding you while Aunty Mandy kept trying to catch your attention. No matter how many times she moved in front of your face, you would immediately turn your head the other way. It was like a little dance, she would move one direction and your head would swivel to the opposite direction. I had no idea 4 month old babies were able to show their annoyance like that! You didn't hold a grudge for too long. By the end of her visit, you guys were friends again.

So this is how we usually spend a typical weekday:

7am: you wake up. You hardly ever cry when you wake up in the morning. You sometimes call out to me or you'll move around in your bassinet. When I hear you wake up, I'll pop my head over your bassinet. Whenever you see me, you'll give me a wide gummy smile. I'll pick you up for a cuddle and then take you to your nursery for a nappy change. Then it's time for your feed. When you finish one side, I'll take you downstairs and put you in the bouncer while I have breakfast. In the mornings, you're happy to play on your own for a bit while I have my cereal. As Daddy gets ready to leave for work, he'll give you a cuddle and play with you a bit before he goes. After I finish breakfast, we'll have play time.  I'll read you a story, sing some nursery rhymes, or take some photos/videos for the blog. Here are some photos from today's playtime:

We read a new book today
It's a cloth book so you're able to turn the pages

When you start looking tired or rubbing your eyes, I'll feed you on the other side and then you'll take a nap. I usually join you for this nap too, especially if you were up a lot the night before.

Around 10am: wake up from nap. Some more play or if the day is nice, I'll take you out for a walk. If we have plans to go out at lunchtime, I'll get both of us ready and then give you a feed just before we leave.

Around 12-1pm: nap. The length of this nap varies depending on whether I am lying next to you or not. If I am right next to you, you'll sleep for ages but I usually get hungry and have to get up for some lunch. Often if we've been out before your nap, you'll be tired and can sleep for a long time without me next to you. Otherwise, you often wake up between 5-15 minutes after I leave the bed. That means I have to eat really quickly! Some days you wake up and I can put you back to sleep (like today) and then I have some free time to write in the blog or do some chores.
You like sleeping in our bed for daytime naps
2-3pm: wake up and play.

3-4pm: last nap. If you miss this nap, then you often get cranky and demand an early bed time around 6pm.

7pm: bed time. I started a bedtime routine a few weeks ago after I noticed you started getting sleepy around this time. I've read that babies like consistency and knowing when it's time to sleep.

Our bedtime routine is:
Nappy change, put you in sleep sack, we read a bedtime story (right now, it's Goodnight Moon), you have a feed, burp and then I swaddle you and put you into your bassinet while you're still sleepy but awake. Sometimes you'll cry and fuss for 30mins before going to sleep but the last 2 days you've been really good and will often be asleep within 5-10 minutes. I settle you to sleep by patting you and saying "sleepy time" over and over again. If you're crying really loudly, I'll sing you a Chinese lullaby and you'll go quiet to hear the song, it's really uncanny how often this works. Then you seem to settle down and I'll go back to saying "sleepy time". I read that saying the same thing over and over again will work as a cue so that you know it's time to sleep. I also put on some white noise on the iPod and turn off the light. I think you're starting to learn your sleep cues. Some nights you wake up again around 9-10pm. If it's around 10pm, I'll give you another feed. If it's earlier, Daddy and I will try to settle you back to sleep.

12-1am: wake up for feed. Luckily these midnight feeds are quick and you settle right back to sleep in your bassinet without any fuss. You've skipped this feed a couple of times which I can't take advantage of as I usually stay awake waiting for you to wake up (there's no point sleeping at say, 11pm, only to wake up again at 12am to feed you).

3-4am: wake up for feed.

7am: start all over again!

So this has been your typical schedule for the last few weeks, though they say schedules change if babies get sick, are teething or have growth spurts. It's working for now though, which is great! Makes it easier to plan my day.


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