Monday 15 July 2013

Week 21 video: Dancing on Daddy

So much fun having Daddy hold me while I jump around! Here's a video from today:

From Mummy:

I can't believe you are turning 5 months old this week! Your legs are getting so strong with all the jumping around. You're getting louder and more vocal, lots of shrieking and laughing out loud. Today on the play gym, you started turning and shuffling around on your back. After 15 minutes, you had turned 180 degrees, from the top of the play gym to the bottom. You kept pulling on all the different toys to put them in your mouth. We definitely have to keep an eye on you as you might start rolling over soon.

After the 2 nights of sleeping 8 hours straight, you haven't done it again. Last night you actually woke up 3 times: 11pm, 2am, 4am and then a 6.30am wake up! I was so tired this morning.

Mummy styled your hair this morning, you look so much older. What a handsome boy.

Your Grandparents came over tonight and you gave Grandma lots of hugs and kisses. Grandma was so happy.


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