Friday 28 June 2013

Week 18: Our alarm clock

Round 2 for sleeping through the night, yay! You woke up at 10pm last night but we rocked you back to sleep in your cot and you didn't wake up again until 5am this morning. I love it when you wake up and play on your own, cooing to yourself. You were obviously very hungry at 5am, so I took you back into our bed and fed you. I fell back asleep listening to you happily chatting to yourself, lying between me and Daddy. I woke up at 7.30am and Daddy told me a funny story. He was sleeping and woke up to a gentle tapping. He turned over and found it was you tapping him on the back! Luckily you were there to wake him up because he missed this morning's alarm. What a cute alarm clock you make.

You've got more control over your hands now. Here is a video and some photos I took  yesterday of you on the activity mat. You're able to grab the toys now and promptly put them into your mouth.

For comparison, this was how you interacted with the same play gym at 9 weeks old:


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