Sunday 16 June 2013

Week 16: Weekend photo fun

This is the first weekend we've spent without Daddy. Though with Skype and Facetime, it doesn't feel like Daddy is all that far away.

I took this video yesterday on Daddy's birthday. In the video, you can see you're really exercising your vocals. This past week, you've been learning to shriek loudly with laughter and scream even more loudly for attention! I've been reading blogs and it seems there are a lot of development milestones at 4 months. So far, you're really learning to express when you're unhappy. Gone were the sweet days when you would grumble quietly and be easily distracted. You're still a sweet-natured little boy, just a bit more feisty and opinionated now!

I bought a nice SLR camera earlier in the year specifically to take photos of you. I've neglected using it for the last few months and decided to take it out again. Now I wish I had taken it out earlier because the close up photos of you on the camera turn out so much better than on my iPhone. I've just been lazy to tote the big camera around but I will use it more often now. Here are some of my favourites from the last couple days:

It was such a beautiful sunny day today, so Mummy decided to take you to the park for a photo shoot with the Grandparents. It was so nice to go for a walk. Grandpa pushed the stroller and kept fussing with the sunshade because he was worried the sun was shining into your eyes. Grandma was busy talking to you and trying to make you laugh. It's so cute how doting your grandparents are. Here are some cute photos of you with them:


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