Thursday 13 June 2013

Week 16: Daddy goes to Paris

We had 3 momentous occasions today:

1. It's your Auntie Katrina's bday today (see previous post)
2. Daddy finally got on his flight to Paris after a delay yesterday. He'll be gone for a whole week and you looked quite upset to see him get on his flight.

Here you are at the airport waiting for Daddy to check in:
And here you are saying good-bye to Daddy at the gate:

3. Your grandparents realised you are teething, which explains why you've been so upset the last 2 days and crying for seemingly no reason. You've been munching on your hands a lot but I just thought you were developing your hand coordination. Little did we know, your first tooth is coming out and must be so painful for you. We've given you Sophie the Giraffe as a teething toy, which seems to have given you some relief.

Here you are reading with Grandma:


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