Thursday 20 June 2013

Week 17 video and your pudgy feet

Daddy came home from France last night. He rushed to pick you up when you woke up for your 10pm feed but when you saw him, you looked confused and started to cry. Daddy was a bit sad that you seemed to have forgotten him. Things were back to normal again this morning when Daddy changed your nappy. You were back to smiling and screeching happily at him.

I noticed you picked up a new sound today. You've always made the 'gr-gr' sound ever since you started cooing but this morning I noticed you were rounding out your mouth and making a 'br-br' sound. You can hear it in this video I took:

I've been diligently taking more photos of you when there is some good natural light. So here are some photos of you at play, though I don't think you were that impressed with the peacock toy.

You've become quite chunky these days. Every time I change your nappy, I can't resist squeezing your pudgy thighs. You have a few fat rolls now! I've been wanting to capture some photos of your cushy feet and dimpled thighs, they are just so cute! It was quite a challenge taking these photos though because your feet are never still! You're always kicking about or cycling in the air.

Here's a video from the archives of you at 9 weeks old doing your stretches on the change table. Even then your legs were getting chunky!

And once again, Mummy subjects you to tummy time. You really hate doing tummy time though you persevere for a few minutes before screeching with annoyance.


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