Sunday 2 June 2013

Week 14 video: Sad face

Hi Lucas,

You've been able to express yourself more these past couple of weeks, especially expressing your dissatisfaction if we leave you in the bouncer for too long! Your grandparents got a dose of this when they came by this week. You gave them lots of notice by complaining in your own way but they still did not pick you up, for fear of spoiling you. Well, when I came down from my shower, you turned to me and your mouth started to turn downward and the waterworks started. I had my iPhone out ready to take a photo of you smiling at me, instead I captured you from quivering lips to full-blown cry. It was actually quite adorable!
Sad face

Here's a video Grandpa filmed with you and Grandma that shows you complaining to be picked up while I was in the shower.

From smiling one moment to quivering lips the next, here's a recent video that captures your changing moods at 14 weeks old:


k said...

I could loop 1m11s on replay forever!! The immediate juxtaposition is so funny.

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