Sunday 2 June 2013

From the archives: Tummy time at 11 days old

I've taken so many photos and videos of you that it's time to start categorising them (yes, your Mummy is a bit of a dork).  I've been finding lots of old videos from the early days that haven't been uploaded.

Right now you're only 14 weeks old, so even the oldest videos are only a few months old but my goodness, how much you've changed in that time! It's amazing. Here is a video I took of you and Daddy while we were giving you tummy time at 11 days old. You had a full day already with the newborn photography shoot that morning, so I'm surprised how alert you look. You're also surprisingly strong to be be pushing your legs off Daddy's hands. You had such skinny chicken legs when you were born. It's gratifying to know you've fattened up so much since then :)

Just to show how much you've fattened up, here are some photos of you at 14 weeks old:

14 weeks old


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