Thursday 30 May 2013

Week 14 video: I'm learning to sit and more photos

It's become a habit to take a few photos of you in the morning to send to the whatsapp family conversation. Sometimes if I forget, I get a friendly reminder from your Grandma or Aunties for some "lucas love". Usually I sit you on my pillow and take a photo of you on the bed. All the other times I've had to use one hand to steady you because you rock to and fro. Today you sat really well on the pillow so I decided to take a video of our morning routine.

You're getting stronger day by day, must be all the tummy time I'm making you do! You're usually chattier and louder in the morning, with your signature gummy smile on show. You've also started to chuckle! So much fun waking up to your smiles.

Here are some more Week 14 photos:


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