Wednesday 15 May 2013

Week 12 and discovering your hands

Hi Lucas,

You're 3 months old already! You're growing so quickly and filling out your clothes. Daddy and I keep marveling over how chunky your thighs are getting :) Your neck is also getting stronger. Here is the first pic I took of you leaning back against the bed. You're able to sit there on your own for a little while before your head flops forward. You look like a little boy in this picture! You were only 9 weeks old then.

9 weeks old
Here's a video of you stretching away on the change table at 9 weeks:

We don't know where you get your lovely long eyelashes from. We know where you got those lips from though!

Winter is coming and your Auntie Mandy bought you the most adorable hat, made even more adorable by your cute expressions. At the rate you're growing, I'm sure your head will fit the hat very soon.
Almost 10 weeks old

In the past few weeks, we've started taking you out for lunch and to visit people. You sleep so well in your stroller with all the outdoor background noise. This period has coincided with us attending house inspections every Sat before going out for lunch. This is you all dressed up for one of those outings.
Week 10

All bundled up in your sleep sack because it's getting cold in the mornings and evenings.
 Attending a house inspection last weekend in the neighbourhood. We saw a house we really liked, fingers crossed this one works out!
Week 11
 Our first Mother's Day!! You got Mummy a big box of cupcakes!

Mother's Day
We also had yum cha with your grandparents who kept fighting over holding you, it was quite funny!
Yum Cha
With Grandma on Mother's Day
 Indulging in your new-found skill! You've been so fascinated by your hands and your coordination is definitely improving, though sometimes your hands still miss your mouth ;)
Week 12
 Photo taken this morning! My happy, smiley baby.
Week 12
Here's a video of your new found skills in action -

Here's a cute video of you waking up with lots of groaning, hand waving and then a sweet smile for Mummy


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