Wednesday 29 May 2013

Week 14 video: In my durag

I took you out to the post office today and the man serving remarked what a cute girl you were! I had dressed you all in blue and you even wore a hat with blue cars on it! I mentioned it in our whatsapp message when we got back home and your Auntie Katrina remarked your hat looked too girly and you should wear a durag. I had no idea what a durag was but after seeing the photo your Aunt sent, I realised I could refashion the bandana bib I made for you last night into a durag! How resourceful is your Mummy! So here are some pics you with - your bandana bib, of us going out in your 'girly' hat and your 'durag' look!
Bandana bib

Looking "girly"

Your makeshift 'durag'!


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