Thursday 25 April 2013

Week 9 and baby talk

Hi Lucas,

These past couple weeks you've become so talkative! Even though you are only 2 months old, it really seems like you are having a conversation with us! Here are a couple of my favourite videos of you babbling away. The first one is of you talking to Grandma. You started off laughing and being very smiley but halfway through the video, it seemed like you were upset about something. Grandma kept saying it was because Grandpa was not holding you comfortably but we later found out it was because you did a poo!

This is a video we took this morning of you in your cot. You and Daddy are babbling away in baby talk - you sound very cute, Daddy on the other hand sounds like a crazy seagull! haha

You are such a joy to be around, constantly smiling and engaging with everyone around you. We took you out for the first time last weekend to visit people and you did great. We will be taking you out more often so you can play with all the other babies. Here's a photo I took of you in the car seat on the way to Auntie May's house last Saturday:

Here are a few memorable moments these past couple of weeks:
- You let Mummy know you've finished feeding by giving me a big smile, even when you're half-asleep in the middle of the night
- We no longer need to change your nappy ten times a day from your little poops but that means you save all the little poops into one big one. And your daily poop is certainly scary to behold, sometimes it's so big it can't be contained in your nappy. Let me tell you, breastmilk poo stains are really hard to remove! The best days are when you poop after Daddy comes home and he gets to change you.
- You're starting to lose your full set of beautiful hair... check out my failed attempt at giving you a mohawk:

- We've started going out for walks around the neighbourhood with you in the baby carrier. You must feel safely cocooned in there because you're always sound asleep by the time we come home:
- The newborn photo gallery was finally ready and the pics were so good, we had to buy the entire set! Mummy has gone a bit overboard printing out photos and making thank you cards with them.

- Lately this has been our daily morning routine: You finish your feed, I take you downstairs and put you in the bouncer and turn on the CD of nursery rhymes that Grandpa bought for you. I get some breakfast and while I eat, I gently rock the bouncer so that you are bouncing away. And after I finish breakfast, we have some play time. After that you take a nap. I've noticed if you get your nap, you're a generally happy napper through the day. But, if you miss your nap, you get really cranky and overtired. Here you are in your little bouncer:
Week 8
- We've also started going to the mothers' group last week. There are so many new mothers in the neighbourhood. This was what Mummy put you in for your first outing (and you're still doing your superman pose):
Week 8
 A few pics I took of you waking up:
 Everyone keeps saying how much you look like Daddy but I think you are much cuter! The photo captures both of you at 1 month old. 
Daddy-Lucas comparison #1

Daddy-Lucas comparison #2
Look how much you've grown and getting better looking!

We had our routine checkup at the clinic yesterday and you have really grown! At 9 weeks old, you are weighing 4.6kg and measuring 56cm.


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