Tuesday 9 April 2013

Week 7 and laughing out loud

Dear Lucas,

My favourite time these days is when all 3 of us pile into bed on the weekends playing, talking and taking photos with you. You're at your most smiley and happy after your morning feed. Here are a couple of photos taken from the last 2 weeks. I love these priceless moments - thank goodness for iPhones to be able to capture such spontaneous photos!
Week 6
Week 7

You've also been able to lift your head up for longer since week 5.
Week 5
Though your favourite position is still resting on our shoulders.
Week 6

Week 7
You still love to stretch, here's an action sequence of your typical routine:

I've rekindled my interest of post-editing photos again. Here are recent favourites:
Week 6
Week 6
Week 7
Week 7
You've started laughing out loud, here are 2 videos from 2 nights ago of you laughing with Daddy. It makes me smile every time I watch them.


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