Thursday 28 March 2013

5 week milestones

1. Cooing

You're getting more talkative this week and starting to find your voice. I took a video yesterday while you were playing on your own in the living room.

2. Getting chubby

You've been sleeping and eating so much better these past 2 days after we figured out that you were not getting the right balance of foremilk and hindmilk. Daddy and I found out the hard way with your explosive green poos while we were changing you on the weekend. These were literally explosive and in the middle of us changing you too! After some googling, I realised I had an oversupply of breastmilk and you were only drinking the watery foremilk and not getting enough of the calorie-rich hindmilk. After a couple of days of block feeding, you are finally getting the calories you need. The changes have been wonderful - you are finally settling down for long naps and no longer wanting to feed every hour. You're also putting on more weight! My wrist feels so strained when I carry you. I better strengthen up soon at the rate you've been eating :)

My little chubster
You are always in a happy, smiley mood after your feeds. I love your gummy smiles!

Happy after a feed - 1 month 4 days

3. The great outdoors

We've also taken you out twice this week to get your accustomed to the outdoors. The first time was just as you turned 1 month. We walked around the block with Grandma and you were not happy. I had to carry you half-way around the block because you were crying so much.

We tried again on the weekend and ventured down to the local Thai restaurant. This time we used the car seat with an adapter for the stroller. You were much happier sitting in the car seat and almost fell asleep but halfway through lunch, you got fussy and started crying, so we had to hold you while we ate.

4. Playing

I put together the play gym this week and started putting you on the mat for some play time. You're not actually playing as you still don't have control over your hands but you are looking around a lot and doing your superman stretches.
Play gym


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