Sunday 25 November 2012

Week 27 (and we really are in the 3rd trimester)

Hi baby,

It's the home stretch, the 3rd trimester and boy is Mummy feeling it! I feel like humpty dumpty when I walk around, so clumsy and slow and rocking around. Your Daddy and Auntie Mandy keep laughing at my waddling, they just don't understand how hard it is to walk around and maintain balance with a big belly!

Daddy and I went to watch the latest James Bond movie Skyfall last night, I've noticed you get very active at the cinema, maybe the loud noises are waking you up? It's quite cute, you kept jabbing Mummy in the tummy throughout the movie!

So Mummy has started making burp cloths for you. I bought 3 boxes of fabric which are being sent from the US. I got a bit carried away with all my diy projects but it's ok, seeing the boxes will motivate me to make things for you, not to mention Daddy nagging that I bought *more* fabric will motivate me to make things to show him I didn't buy all this fabric for nothing!

Hopefully I get a bit of Grandma Banh's motivation, she finished your patchwork quilt already, it looks so cute! Here's a pic:
Grandma's patchwork quilt
Mummy has been feeling quite fat and swollen lately, I'm sure you can see from my piggy toe photos that Mummy isn't usually this fat. Hopefully after you're born I will return back to normal. Anyway because I feel like a beach ball, I've been umming and ahhing about whether to take maternity photos. I asked Daddy what he thought and he said we should just take the photos and if we don't like them, we don't have to buy them. Aunty Mandy said the same thing, I don't actually have to show anyone the photos but I might regret not capturing this special stage in our lives. So! I got a recommendation from our wedding photographer and I made a booking with Leah Kua who takes some lovely, soft, dreamy photos which hopefully will capture some beautiful memories.

Week 27 bump

How far along? Week 27 - third trimester, woohoo! You're the size of a turnip.
Measurements: You're definitely experiencing 2 week growth spurts because we gained 600g since last week so now I'm 64.4kg.  I forgot to take a belly measurement before breakfast again, so right now (after breakfast) my belly is 96cm
Cravings: Nothing special this week though mangoes are in season! Daddy is cutting a mango right now...yum!
Symptoms: Sore back and feet still....and also a sore tail bone in the last few days. Oh dear, I can't imagine it will get much better over the next 13 weeks...!
Obsessively researching: Maternity photos


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