Monday 12 November 2012

Week 25 (a cauliflower)

Hi baby,

We had our 6 month visit to the doctor last week, seems you're feeling very comfortable lying low in Mummy's belly! The doctor couldn't get a good ultrasound pic because you were so low but he said everything is fine and nothing to worry about.

It was incidentally Melbourne cup day on the day of your appointment so I left work a bit early and had some time to walk around the Botanical Gardens and enjoy the view. Here's a pic I took while I sat on the park bench, you can see my big belly peeking at the bottom of the frame :)

Before the OB visit
 Grandma Banh has been busy crocheting blankets and making patchwork quilts for you. She finished this gorgeous blanket last week, I can't wait to use it when you are born!

Baby blanket
Daddy got called into work again on Sunday so we couldn't take a photo.  I'll try to take a photo tomorrow after work. Here are the latest stats:

How far along? Week 25, you're the size of a cauliflower
Measurements: Gained a whole kilo...I better slow down, eat less or exercise more...! 63.7kg. I'm going to start taking belly measurements every week as well, so this morning my belly was 94cm
Cravings: Nothing in particular but have been getting more hungry these past couple days
Symptoms: My back has been so sore...I think it's because you are so low in my belly...move up soon please!
Obsessively researching: Nursery decorating and newborn photos. I booked a newborn photo session for you tonight with this photographer. How sweet are her photos? :)


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