Sunday, 4 November 2012

Week 24 (a 3rd trimester honeymelon)

Hi baby,

We've reached our 3rd trimester* already! It's gone so fast, Daddy and I will finally see you in 3 4 months. Mummy has 2.5 months of work left and I've got so many mini projects to make for you before you arrive!

We've been home for a week and Daddy has gone back straight back into long hours at work. We're back to our normal routine already and luckily not too affected by jet lag. I was in a meeting at work on Friday and you kicked so hard, I actually saw my tummy move! It was such a cool feeling. I've been hoping you would kick hard enough for Daddy to feel you when I got home but he still hasn't felt you move yet. I'm sure as you grow bigger, you will be kicking up a storm :)

I thought it would be really cute to put up a 'before and after' photo of Daddy and I comparing our holiday to LA last year to this year. What a difference a year makes! Last year, Daddy and I had just gotten engaged in Peru and were busy buying lots of things for our wedding. This year, we focused completely on you and bought lots of baby things. The other major difference? All the weight we've both gained! haha

1 year ago

Here we are at the 6 month mark, how much you've grown!
Week 24 bump

How far along? Week 24, you're the size of a honeymelon

Measurements: Same weight as last week at 62.7kg - yay! I need to maintain my weight in the healthy weight range. So far, so good.
Cravings: Mangos, yum!
Symptoms: Noticed lots more swelling in my hands and feet. I walked around with your Auntie Mandy on Fri after work and when I got home, my feet were so swollen, I had to rest in bed with my feet up! It's a sign of what's to come....
Obsessively researching: DIY tutorials, I'm tempted to buy a sewing machine to make all the projects I've compiled on my pinterest board

* update on Mon 5 Nov - Mummy jumped the gun, we're not in our 3rd trimester yet! And Daddy and I still have 4 months before your expected due date....I obviously can't count!


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