Monday 29 October 2012

Week 23 (a grapefruit back home)

Hi baby,

We flew back to Australia yesterday morning and back to work tough getting through the working day. Poor Daddy is still at work and it's nearly 8pm. Hopefully he's on the way home because he promised we would go for a walk tonight.

It was a such a wonderfully relaxing babymoon in LA, we ate so much that I've gained more than I should for 23 weeks! Your extended family in LA were the best and Daddy got a taste of what it's like to look after kids, now he just needs to practise holding babies and changing nappies :)

I don't have the usual bump photo but thought I'd put up some holiday pics with Daddy in Santa Monica.

How far along? Week 23, you're the size of a grapefruit
Measurements: I don't know if it's from using different scales back home now but I weighed 62.7kg this morning...which is just a bit over 1kg since last week. Need to do some exercise or eat less :(
Cravings: No cravings, probably because I ate so many different cuisines in LA
Symptoms: Noticed my fingers swelling up more and possibly my legs. I feel like a beach ball.
Obsessively researching: was just chilling out in LA, didn't research anything this week


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