Wednesday 24 October 2012

Week 22 (a papaya in LA)

Hi baby,

We're on the 2nd week of our babymoon here in LA. We've managed to order all the baby goodies that we need and are just waiting for them to be delivered. Daddy and I have been eating, sleeping and playing games with your cousins Paige and Caleb. It's good to know when you are born, Daddy will have some practise looking after kids, at least he knows how to play catch, soccer and ipad zombie games.

You've been more active at nights or maybe it's because I am still and can feel you more. We went to watch the movie Looper last night and it seemed like you were scared of the loud noises, you kept hitting Mummy in the stomach whenever the movie got too loud. Daddy still can't feel you moving on the outside yet. Everytime he puts his hand over my belly, you go still. We'll have to wait until you're bigger and stronger before Daddy can feel you.

I took this photo last night just before we went to see the movie. It was just after dinner so my belly looks bigger than it does in the morning.

Week 22 bump

How far along? Week 22, you're the size of a papaya!
Measurements: I lost a little weight since last week. On Sunday I weighed 135.5 pounds, which is 61.5kg. After checking if I'm still on track with my weight gain, I realised I'm actually a bit over! I'm hoping it's because we are using different scales compared to the one in Aus and that I didn't gain that much more weight. In any case, I've lost 0.5pound since last week, probably from all the walking around the malls.
Cravings: Cinnamon pretzels....everytime I pass one at the mall, I have to buy one
Symptoms: Had to finally take off my wedding rings last week because my fingers have swelled up. I got scared I won't be able to take them off if I left them on too long. Oh well....let's hope I'll still fit them after you're born.
Obsessively researching: no more researching this past week because we can't order anymore things from the US.


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