Thursday 18 October 2012

Week 21 (we're in LA!)

Hi baby,

Daddy and I are in LA on our babymoon right now. It's been relaxing here and I've already bought so much for you. We've been battling with jet lag so we are wide awake at night and so sleepy during the day. I also feel you moving more at night...maybe you're jet lagged too :)

The baby clothes are so cute and cheap over here. We've only been here for less than a week and I've bought enough clothes for the first 2 years for you! I also ordered your stroller last night and will be getting your travel crib today which should come in handy if we decide to visit France next year for Daddy's friend's wedding.

Here is a pic of a (very) small selection of your baby clothes that we bought:
Shopping spree!
Compared to our visit to LA around this time last year, I've noticed such a big difference, I've been getting tired so easily now, can barely manage a few stores before my feet get tired and I want to sit down. All Daddy and I want to do is laze around and rest. At least 1 person in our family is active, last night you kicked harder than normal and I actually felt it on the outside! I can't wait for Daddy to feel you kick as well.

I don't have our usual bump photo this week but I did weigh myself on Sunday, so here is the latest:

How far along? Week 21, you're the size of a pomegranate
Measurements: ? 136 pounds which is 61.7kg...! 
Cravings: No cravings, been eating lots of different foods here
Symptoms: Tired feet
Obsessively researching: last minute price comparisons before putting online orders in for your stroller, travel crib and accessories


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