Sunday 9 December 2012

Week 29 (a butternut squash)

Hi baby,

You've been quite active this week, I've even seen my tummy move a few times with your kicks. It's always such a surprise when that happens to actually feel you kick from the inside and see it from the outside. My belly button has started looking weird because my tummy is getting so big now, I think it will be a matter of days or weeks before my belly button pops out :)

We saw the Dr on Tuesday, all is well with you though you are still lying low and fully engaged, which is quite common. At least now I know all the movement I'm feeling at the top of my belly is definitely your feet kicking around, and all the movement I feel at the bottom of my belly are your arms waving about. It's so cute feeling you move.

Daddy and I still can't decide on a name for you. We'll pick a name and then one of us will change our mind. I know we still have a while to really decide but it's such a big decision, we really have to think about it carefully.

Week 29 bump
How far along? Week 29 already, time seems to be flying by.
Measurements: I was 65.2kg this morning (an increase of 400g) and my belly measured 97.5cm - so it is gradually expanding
Cravings: No real cravings, trying to be good and not gain too much weight
Symptoms: Getting used to being so big, it almost feels normal!
Obsessively researching: Nappy bags


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