Sunday 16 September 2012

Week 17 (an onion!)

Hi baby,

Ahh the wonderful 2nd trimester energy boost has kicked in. I've been cooking dinner all week and feeling so much better than I have in months! Poor Daddy has been working late all week, so it was a good week to start cooking again so that Daddy has something to eat when he gets home after 10pm at nights.

Your Auntie Katrina had her first tea ceremony today, it was nice to see everyone all dressed up in suits and dresses. The big day is in 2 weeks, you'll be 19 weeks in her wedding photos by then :)
Week 17 bump

How far along? Week 17, you're the size of an onion this week
Measurements: ? Was rushing to the tea ceremony this morning and didn't have time for a weigh-in. I'll check tomorrow morning before I head to work. I'm looking forward to our trip to LA in 3 weeks so that I can get some bigger clothes to wear for work.
Cravings: No more subway this week. It's been nice to eat homecooked dinners again, feeling much more healthier.
Symptoms: A bit of heartburn but nothing too bad.
Obsessively researching: baby quilt patterns and fabric, gets so addictive matching fabric up. Grandma is going to make a baby quilt for you! And more Amazon researching :)


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