Sunday 23 September 2012

Week 18 (a sweet potato)

Hi baby,

I think it's cute to track your growth each week using fruit (or veg) in comparison, it makes it so much easier when people ask me how big you are. You're the size of a sweet potato this week!

So this week we sent out invites for our baby gender reveal BBQ. Hopefully you won't be feeling shy at your next ultrasound and the technician can tell whether you are a boy or girl. We're going to ask the technician to put the gender result in an envelop which we will give to your Auntie Kathy & Auntie Pumi. They're making a cake and making the inside either pink or blue so that at the BBQ when we cut into the cake, everyone finds out your gender at the same time. It's going to be so much fun! Your Auntie Mandy already started a betting pool and your grandparents were the first to put a bet in :)

Next week is going to be an exciting week. Your Auntie Katrina & Uncle Daniel are getting married on Saturday! It should be a lot of fun and I'm sure you'll see the wedding video when you're older.

Week 18 bump

How far along? Week 18 already! I've got a nice little bump going now, feeling so clumsy and Daddy keeps laughing at my waddling (I do not waddle!). I've been waiting anxiously to feel movement from you but nothing so far. Can't wait to feel your kicks.
Measurements: 58.3kg, same as last week.
Cravings: More homecooking. Lots of bananas and oranges.
Symptoms: I've noticed the line running down my belly, it gets itchy sometimes too!
Obsessively researching: More fabric shopping. Can't wait to head to LA soon!


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