Sunday 2 September 2012

Week 15 (Happy Father's Day!)

Hi baby,

Had a lovely first weekend of Spring, Daddy and I had a yummy lunch by Lavender Bay with your aunties and uncles yesterday and we spent time with your grandparents today to celebrate Father's Day. Next year you'll be able to celebrate Father's Day with Daddy!

We went to see Dr Morris on Wednesday and saw you kicking your legs and waving your arms around via the ultrasound, it was so cute! Unfortunately you were sitting down and quite shy so we couldn't find out if you are a boy or girl.We were glad to hear you're healthy and doing well though!

Here you are sitting down in the ultrasound pic:
Week 14 ultrasound

And now for the expanding belly :)

Week 15 bump
How far along? Week 15, you're the size of an apple this week
Measurements: 56.6kg (unchanged since last week)
Cravings: Nothing in particular this week....
Symptoms: Nausea came back again
Obsessively researching: I must be in early nesting mode because I've been obsessively researching diy muslin swaddle blankets and burp cloths. I even bought some muslin fabric today and plan to stamp it with fabric paint to create some cute designs.


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