Monday 27 August 2012

Week 14 (and in the 2nd trimester! yay!)

Hi baby,

The highlight of this week was finally getting the dreamgenii pregnancy pillow! It's so much more comfortable than using a regular pillow to sleep on my side. Daddy has his eye on it and keeps trying to steal it every time I leave the bed. I'm glad I ordered it early because I'll be able to make good use of it for the next 6 months and it even doubles as a nursing pillow! Best $60 ever!

It's been an uneventful week except for the return of morning sickness. I hope it's just one last hormonal hurrah before first trimester is over and I'll feel energetic and active again going into the 2nd trimester. The weather is warming up as well! Daddy and I can start taking walks after dinner again.

We'll be visiting Dr Morris again next week so will get to see you on the ultrasound again, can't wait!

Week 14 bump

How far along? Week 14
Measurements: 56.6kg
Cravings: Satay beef at the local Chinese joint, had it 2 nights in a row already!
Symptoms: Nausea came back again
Obsessively researching: More onesie decorating ideas and adding lots to the amazon wishlist so we can put in our order before heading to LA in Oct :) I'm compiling all the onesie decorating ideas on my pinterest, let's see how creative we can get!


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