Sunday 5 August 2012

Week 11 (and Daddy the handyman)

Hi baby,

It's been a good week - we've been immersed in Olympic fever, we saw the last in the Batman trilogy and Daddy found his inner handyman and fixed the leaking toilet! I've never seen Daddy's handyman prowess before, so am quite impressed :)

Glad we finished week 10, I'm learning how to reduce the nausea by eating regularly though hopefully the morning sickness will improve in a few weeks and I'll get my energy back. I've been an old nana since being pregnant, falling asleep in front of the TV and going to bed early.

Week 11 bump

How far along? Week 11
Measurements: 54.5kg which is on track
Cravings:  bananas, oranges and fried food...2 out of 3 ain't bad :) 
Symptoms: General tiredness and nausea if I don't feed you after a few hours
Obsessively researching: Baby's extended from the newborn phase, I think it will be great to capture your entire first year!


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