Sunday 19 August 2012

Week 13 (and another pic of you)

Hi baby,

Daddy and I saw you at our week 12 ultrasound and you had grown so much! The last time we saw you, it was week 7 and you were still a little bean. This week you looked like a baby. Daddy's first words when he saw you was, "wow the head is so big!". It's ok baby, it's totally normal to have a big head right now.

Week 12 ultrasound
This was an exciting week as we found out everything is going well with you and we also started to tell people that we're having you. I'm also starting to really show now!

Week 13 bump

How far along? Week 13
Measurements: 55.9kg
Cravings: Been eating the dumplings Grandma made all week. Actually am making another bowl right now :)
Symptoms: Heartburn and some tiredness
Obsessively researching: Decorating onesies. Mummy is going to ask the aunties and uncles to personalise onesies for you!


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