You're 19 weeks today! This week we will have your anatomy scan and will hopefully find out if you are a boy or girl, we're so excited! Your Auntie Mandy has started a betting pool and it seems the odds in the Banh household are heavily in favour of you being a boy based on some scientific study of belly shapes. Daddy still thinks you will be a girl and that is based on no scientific study at all. I have no inkling and will be happy as long as you are delivered safe and healthy.
It was your Auntie Kat and Uncle Dan's wedding yesterday, your first wedding! Based on all the pressure from the oldies, you may not have to wait too long for little cousins to play with...haha
Daddy and I are heading to a baby show now, we're hoping to be able to play with lots of cool baby gadgets and equipment, thanks to Auntie Anna in London for the free tickets!
Week 19 bump |
How far along? Week 19, you're the size of my favourite summertime fruit - a mango!
? 59kg...pretty much on target with the suggested weight gain of about 500g a week
Cravings: No special cravings this week, still cooking :)Symptoms: Feeling fat and clumsy...
Obsessively researching: been a bit busy this week so not much time to research but we are heading to LA in less than 2 weeks so I'll spend the next week researching more things to buy. I did order our first big baby item for you - this baby bjorn bouncer!
Hello baby,
This is Daddy writing for the first time, and I can tell you I've been very busy listening to mummy complain about how her body is changing. She has a big bump now which you can see in the photos and is due all to you! :)
Mummy used to be able to climb mountains and be very independent, but now with you in her belly she can't even walk home from the bus on Victoria Road! (She makes me carry her handbag now). So if mummy teases you for your 21st birthday you can read this and know that when mummy was pregnant she was a little farting machine! She has no shame, just last week we were at Eastwood for dinner with grandma and grandpa and as we were walking along the street mummy asked us to walk ahead. When we just stood there she let out the biggest fart ever (it sounded a little wet as well), and all she could do besides laugh was blame it on you!
So you can use that anytime to embrass mummy :)
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