Sunday 15 July 2012

Week 8 (your first holiday has been planned!)

Hi baby,

Yesterday morning, Daddy and I booked our babymoon to LA! So you'll be an international jet-setter at 20 weeks :)

7 weeks 2 days
I also saw you for the 2nd time this week, you've almost doubled in size to 1.05cm since the week before and your heartrate has increased to 150bpm. It's great to know you're growing and the doc said everything is looking great. It was amazing to hear your heart beating for the first time, it was so loud and fast!

Week 8 bump

How far along? Week 8 - I think you're making your presence known :)
Measurements: 53.9kg (a whole kilo in 2 weeks!)
Cravings: Everyday it's something different! Had a craving for kimchi last week. Right now I'm munching on burger rings after my craving for an orange.
Symptoms: Morning sickness and nausea has improved since last week but then came back with double force today. Daddy and I got cinema tickets to watch the movie 'Ted' but after leaving the queue, I felt sick and had to run to the toilet. No movie for Daddy today :(
Obsessively researching: Foods to avoid, the list is growing ever longer! Added chrysanthemum tea and papaya to the list today, much to the confusion of your grandmas.


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