Sunday, 1 July 2012

Week 7 (and giving Mummy a scare)

Hi baby,

You gave me a scare this morning after I saw some spotting, I told Daddy and we were both a bit scared but hopeful all will be ok, that's pretty much how I've been feeling since finding out we are having you. Scared that we're still in the first trimester and in the danger zone but hopeful all will be well and we'll be holding you in our arms next February. We just have to stay positive that everything will be fine.

I'm really looking forward to our first ultrasound this Wednesday! Hopefully we'll finally see you and listen to your heartbeat for the first time.

Week 7 bump pic

How far along? Week 7. Bump still there, based on all the forums and books I've been reading, it's either bloating and gas (gross, I know) or it's my uterus expanding to accommodate you.
Measurements: 52.9kg (slight dip since last week but negligible). Waist: 72cm and belly: 83cm
Cravings: No cravings yet
Symptoms: Been so tired this week...all my intentions to walk for 30mins each day has gone out the door. I get home from work and just want to nap.
Obsessively researching: clothes to grow with the little bump that aren't maternity clothes. Lots of lovely stuff from the UK, the mailman at work knows me by name with all my online shopping!

Until February.
Love, Mummy


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