Sunday 8 July 2012

Week 7 (take 2)

Hi baby,

We had our first ultrasound on Wednesday and finally saw you as a teeny tiny 6mm jelly bean (as Daddy is calling you). We also found out that you are only 6 weeks (instead of 7), which means you are hitting all the right stats at 6 weeks with a strong heartbeat of 119bpm. 6 weeks is also the time when morning sickness hits and boy did it hit me on Monday morning at about 4am!

6 weeks 2 days
So I'm experiencing all the pregnancy symptoms, particularly being overwhelmingly exhausted. I've spent all this weekend napping as much as I can.  I don't know how I'm going to get through another week at work....or the next 5 more weeks until I hopefully get all my energy back again once the placenta has finished building and you'll be able to grow more on your own. It's fine though, this entire experience is worth it and I'm relishing every moment knowing that all this energy is making you bigger and stronger.

Here is the first pic of you, the little bean between the 2 crosses.

Love you baby.


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