Sunday 22 July 2012

Week 9 (and KFC)

Hi baby,

It has been an uneventful week, thankfully no more throwing up! Been feeling a little bit more energetic and walking the long route back home to get some much-needed exercise. Unfortunately this meant on Friday the temptation for KFC was too much and I took a long detour to get a zinger burger on the way home. Oh it tasted so good! Baby, you've been craving junk food lately! In the last few days we've had KFC, Red Rooster and some karaage chicken....Mummy has tried to compensate by eating more oranges and fruit, hopefully it all evens out in the end :)

Daddy is convinced you'll be a girl....we'll see in the 19 week ultrasound if he's right or not :)

Week 9 bump

How far along? Week 9
Measurements: 53.9k - same as last week
Cravings: Junk food and mango sorbet
Symptoms: General fatigue, not too bad (or maybe I'm just getting used to it now :)
Obsessively researching: Baby carriers - Ergo baby carrier winning out, how cute does this one look?
Ergo baby carrier


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