Friday 27 September 2013

Week 31: Hello again from Lucas (7 mths)

Hello fan clubbers,

It's been over 2 months since I last wrote a post. My first hello was back in July! I've developed so much since then. Now that I am 7 months old, my typical day has changed.

Last night I had my usual bedtime routine starting around 7.30pm. This routine has been the same ever since I was baby. Mummy changed me into my onesie and put me in a sleep sack. Daddy came upstairs to read to me. I get so excited when I see my bedtime book, Goodnight Moon. I like trying to touch the page and look at all the pictures. Sometimes Daddy cheats and tries to skip some pages. When I get older, I'll tell him that's not allowed. When Daddy finished the story, Mummy said, "Milk milk" and made the sign language for milk. As soon as I hear "Milk milk", I get even more excited and start moving towards Mummy's boob. I love cuddling up to Mummy and finishing my milk milk. When Mummy says, "Other side", I know it's time for round 2.

Sometimes I fall asleep while I am nursing but I usually wake up when Mummy moves me to my crib. I used to cry a lot when she moved me but I'm getting used to it now. Last night I gave a little whimper for old time's sake but I fell asleep quickly after Mummy gave me my hippo lovey and gave me a few pats. It was 8pm by the time I fell asleep.

I woke up again around midnight and called out to Mummy. She came over and tried to pat me back to sleep. I wanted a cuddle and some milk so I stayed awake. She took me to the other room and changed my nappy and I was wide awake after that! So I settled back into bed with Mummy and fell asleep again quickly while I was nursing. I don't even remember Mummy moving me back to my crib.

I woke up again at 3 or 4am. Sometimes if I time it right and it's really late, Mummy lets me sleep in bed next to her because she's too tired to move me back to my crib. Those are the best mornings because I get to wake up in bed next to Mummy and Daddy. This morning was one of those mornings.

I woke up at 6.30am and moved around a bit to wake Mummy up. I don't like crying when I wake up, I usually reserve my tears for when I'm really upset. Mummy felt me moving and woke up and took me for a nappy change.  Then it was back to bed.

Daddy is right next to me. I think I'll try to wake him up
Wake up, Daddy!
Mummy nursed me while Daddy got ready for work. He came back in to play with me before he left.

Love cuddles with Daddy!
Mummy took me downstairs for some play while she had breakfast. I love playing with my toys on the play mat. I can sit up on my own now! I love to grab my toys and eat them. After Mummy finished breakfast I knew it was the dreaded tummy time. Ever since gymbaroo class, Mummy saw all the other babies do tummy time really well. I can do tummy time too, I just choose to rest a lot. I totally sussed it out at the first class of gymbaroo and realised there's no need to keep your head up high all the time like all the other babies. You can totally lie your head down and just chill out during the exercises. Suckers!

Man, that tummy time tired me out. I needed my morning nap after that! For the past few weeks, Mummy has been trying to "nap train" me. Many tears were shed during nap time. For a while there, I managed to "nap train" Mummy! Every time she put me into my crib for my nap, I cried really loudly. I made sure I kept it up until Mummy picked me up. When she put me back down, I would cry again. I kept it up until Mummy would have no choice but to cuddle me to sleep, otherwise I would miss my nap and be grumpy all day. It worked! This week though I realised it wasn't so bad napping in my crib. It helped that Mummy put my hippo lovey next to me. The hippo smells a bit like Mummy, so it was nice to fall asleep cuddling it.

I love my hippo lovey
I napped from 9-11am and then woke up. I called out to Mummy and she came to take me downstairs for some more play.

 I'm strong enough to pick up my truck now! I'm only picking it up so that I can eat it.
Mummy then fed me some apple/pear puree for lunch, my new favourite! I've been having solid food for over a month now. It took about a week to get used to eating solids. I'm glad she's stopped feeding me rice cereal, yuk! When she fed me pear puree for the first time, I knew I would like this whole solid food thing. Still, whenever I start a meal, I make sure I only have a little bite first - just to try it out. I like to be careful. So far, I've tried lots of new foods like - carrot, pumpkin, sweet potato, chicken, avocado, banana and paw paw.

It was a really nice day today, so we went out for a walk and got some groceries. We came back home and Mummy let me play outside. She took my nappy off so that I could air out my bum! haha. Felt nice to pee in the great outdoors.

I took another nap at 1pm. I went to sleep in my crib without any fuss at all. Mummy was happy. I napped for 2 hours and woke up all refreshed.
Waking up from my afternoon nap
On Fridays, Grandma and Grandpa Banh usually come to visit me. Today, Grandpa was busy and couldn't drive Grandma here so Mummy and I took a road trip to Carlingford to visit them.

It was a nice day outside so we took a walk around the neighbourhood in my stroller. Charlie the doggy came for a walk too. Aunty Mandy played peekaboo with me in the park.

Mummy took my dinner over to Carlingford and Grandma fed me zucchini and carrot puree for the first time. It was ok, not my favourite but I'll still eat it. I much prefer sweet fruit chilled straight from the fridge though.

After my visit with them, I took a nap on the drive home and then had my normal bedtime. What an exciting day!


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