Sunday 8 September 2013

Week 28: Family reunion

Aunty Kat and Uncle Dan came back on Saturday from HK for a visit. They came to visit and play with you that night. Now that you're a bit older, you can recognise people and you're more wary of people you've only just met. The last time Aunty Kat and Uncle Dan saw you, you were only 1 week old! You took a little while to warm to them. Uncle Dan played with your toys a bit roughly, especially with your precious Sophie toy. You looked like you were getting excited playing with him but then we realised you were upset when you started wailing!  Today you still had not forgiven Uncle Dan and avoided looking at him. It was pretty funny for all of us though probably not so fun for poor Uncle Dan. They will be seeing more of you the next 2 weeks so I'm sure you'll be friends again soon!

We went to the city today for lunch and dessert with the whole family. You looked so cute in your outfit today. Here are some photos:

Sitting in a high chair at the restaurant
With the whole family

With Aunty Kat and Uncle Dan

Dessert before heading home


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