A keepsake of memories and stories for our baby to read
Thursday, 12 September 2013
Week 29: Mid-week round-up
Each day seems to speed by now that we are nap training. It feels like an endless cycle of eat-play-sleep. You're only supposed to be awake for 2 hours so I watch you closely after 2 hours to catch your sleepy signs. As soon as you yawn or rub your eyes, I whisk you away from your play mat and put you through your nap routine. It feels like an endless cycle of putting you down in your crib, saying good night and walking out then hearing you cry and shriek and having to go back in and comfort you. You seem to know it's nap time and you really try to fight it. Let's hope you will learn soon as I really need time to start packing up the house while you take your naps!
I think I forgot to mention that we bought a house last week. I can't believe I forgot to mention it! For you, the new house will be the only house you know but we actually became a family of 3 in this little 2-br townhouse. All 3 of us have been sleeping in the main bedroom together. It's a little cosy especially after you got too big for the bassinet and we had to get a new crib that would fit the room but I like having you right next to our bed when you're sleeping. I don't randomly get up in the middle of the night to check you anymore but I like being able to reach out and comfort you if I hear you getting up. You've actually done the same and reached out to touch me through the bars to let me know you're awake! It was so cute.
Anyway, all of this background is to explain why I haven't had time to take that many photos or videos this week! I've been busy packing and cleaning up. Still, I do have a few photos from what we've been up.
You started trying pears this week and you love it! Here's a video of Grandma feeding you pureed pears for the first time. I've never seen you lean forward to eat more until you tried pears.
Photos from this week:
Trying pears
"I want to feed myself"
Going out for a walk and watching Grandma talk on her phone
Finally having your nap!
Soccer outfit from Aunty Kat and Dan, check out those chunky thighs!
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