Sunday 8 September 2013

Week 28: Falling asleep on your own (video working now)

You're 6.5 months now and still not sleeping through the night. I got 2 blissful nights where you slept for 8 hours straight when you were 4 months old and I thought you were improving as you only woke up twice a night. At 5 months you regressed and started waking up 3 times a night.

I spoke to the midwife at the health centre and we figured out it was because you would fall asleep after only breastfeeding on one side. I didn't want to wake you up to finish the other side but that meant you would wake up more often. After that, I made you finish both sides and you slept a bit longer.

At least we don't have too much trouble putting you to sleep at night. You start rubbing your eyes around 6.30-7pm and we go through a consistent bedtime routine so that you learn the cues it's time to sleep. You often fall asleep while I am feeding you but I'm trying to stop that so you can learn to self-settle and fall asleep on your own. Slowly you're learning to self-settle. You often have a bit of a whinge before you fall asleep. I recorded your whinging tonight, it was so cute because you learnt a new sound: 'meh meh meh'. You fell asleep a few minutes after I finished recording you.

Here's the audio with photos from this weekend (I've taken the privacy setting off now). The last photo was taken the day before. It was hot that night so we decided to take the sleep sack off. Without the sleep sack, you used your feet to move your body around the crib. When we came back upstairs to see you, we found you had moved 180 degrees in your crib. Daddy had to move you back because he was worried you'd knock your head.

You're getting really flexible and starting to suck your toes! Daddy was horrified when he first saw you do that and promptly took your foot out of your mouth. I thought it was really funny so I took a video and some photos:



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