Wednesday 25 September 2013

Week 31: A good appetite

You've been on solids for over a month now and your appetite has steadily improved. You have lunch and dinner now and enjoy everything I feed you.

Today I took out the trusty self-feeder again and put in sliced paw paw from the fridge. You love  cold and sweet food so this one was a hit. Check out the video:

I just fed you a mash of avocado and banana. I mashed up half an avocado thinking it was too much and that I would eat the rest. You almost finished the whole bowl! I was worried I was feeding you too much so I stopped even though you were still reaching forward for more. I'm glad you are loving lots of fruit and veg, it's so much fun trying out new combinations with you and watching you enjoy your food. Now that it's warmer, I'll also be feeding you frozen fruit which I'm sure you'll love

Some photos from today:

Tummy time with Daddy in the morning

Daddy tickling you
Feeding yourself paw paw

Yummy avocado + banana


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