Thursday 12 September 2013

Week 29: You can turn the page!

You've always loved looking at books. Ever since you were a few months old, you loved to sit still while we read books to you. You would look at each page with such interest, it really looked like you were reading! Today, your Grandparents were reading a book to you and noticed you moving your hands as if to turn the page yourself. So I took a video of it. I love this video, it's so adorably cute especially the satisfied smile you gave me at the end of the video.

Here you are with the same book:

We have a few books in rotation though we always read the same book, Goodnight Moon, for your bedtime. Yesterday after your morning nap, I was playing with you when you started jumping up and down and laughing. You kept looking in the same direction, so I looked over and realised you were excited because you saw Goodnight Moon and wanted me to read it to you. I'm so happy that you love to read as much as I do.

Your grandparents fed you pumpkin for the first time today. You love pumpkin too (or maybe your appetite is improving and you just love to eat! :)


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