Sunday 1 September 2013

First Father's Day

It was your first Father's Day with Daddy today. It was also the first day of spring though we couldn't go out today because Daddy had the flu. Daddy played with you a little bit while he was in bed.

Happy Grandpa's Day too!

Can't believe I was only 15 weeks pregnant last year when we celebrated Father's Day!

You're becoming such a big boy now, you love to do things yourself. Here you are holding a sippy cup and drinking water:

You've also graduated from your convertible carseat to the stroller. You were getting so heavy to carry in your carseat and it always took me ages to click the carseat into the stroller. Daddy finally got tired of it and dismantled the carseat adapter in the carpark of the shopping centre! You look so much more comfortable being able to swing your legs around.

Look how much you've grown from 1 month to 6 months in the same stroller!


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