Sunday 28 July 2013

Week 22 photo story: With the Grandparents

We bought a house yesterday, Lucas! Though I'm sure you will know this house very well since we will be living there for a long time. The house is soo much bigger than our current townhouse. The land size is about 9 times bigger, so much space for you to crawl and run around. I can't wait for you to have our own playroom, I have so many new projects of things I want to make for your new play room and for the house. So excited that we will be starting a new chapter in a neighbourhood that you will be growing up in!

We were at your Grandparents' house yesterday and I took a few nice photos of you spending time with them.  Check out your cute hi-top shoes and matching sunglasses that they bought you!


k said...

These are great photos!

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