Tuesday 8 January 2013

Week 33 (a durian fruit!)

Hi sweetie,

You are definitely getting bigger in there...I feel you shifting around a lot! It's Mummy's last week of work before I go on maternity leave - only 3 more days left, I'm counting down.

Daddy and I attended our first prenatal class on the weekend to prepare ourselves for your arrival....we saw 3 birthing videos - very scary! I hope our labour is easy but I'll be reading up and preparing during my time off from work.

I've been addicted to making baby bibs for you! I even made 2 extra bibs for a friend who's sister just had a little boy. The bibs are so cute! I bought more snaps to make more bibs, I heard babies will need lots of spares!
Handmade bibs
Today was so hot - one of the hottest days in Sydney! I don't know if that is the reason why my ankles have swollen up into balloons....I have cankles now! Ugh....
Cankles :(
I don't have a bump photo this week because we didn't have time to take a photo.

How far along? Week 33 + 2 days. You're the size of a durian fruit!
Measurements: 68.5kg today (an increase of 2kg which is a bit too much). My belly measurement before breakfast on Sunday was 101cm, an increase of 2.5cm
Cravings: None this week
Symptoms: Cankles!! and lots of swelling
Obsessively researching: Making bibs


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