Sunday 13 January 2013

Week 34 (our first wedding anniversary)

Hello my darling,

Daddy and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary today. We are keeping to the tradition of lighting our wedding candles every year on our anniversary.

Our first wedding anniversary
 Mummy is on maternity leave now! Yay!!! Time to prepare for your arrival, rest up as much as possible and spend more quality time with Daddy. I'll be starting the week with a 2 hour massage tomorrow, then we have our next appointment with the doctor and then Daddy and I head to the Central Coast for a 3 day weekend. Our last weekend away with you in my tummy :)

We had our last prenatal class yesterday. Daddy learnt how to swaddle, he'll get lots of practise! We've also decided on your name....! Let's see if we stick with this name when you arrive, I think we have a couple options :)

Grandpa, Grandma and Auntie Mandy departed for their 2 week holiday to Singapore and Malaysia today, your Auntie Katrina and Uncle Daniel are meeting them in KL for the weekend - it's a full Banh family affair
Week 34 bump
 How far along? Week 34. You're the size of a butternut squash. Daddy keeps exclaiming how big my belly looks!
Measurements: 68.1kg today (a decrease of 400g) - seem to be fluctuating these past couple weeks
Cravings: Not really
Symptoms: Still lots of swelling...hoping the swelling will go away after I give birth
Obsessively researching: Changing table dressers


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